Level 4 Engineering Technician
Research Methods & Independent Study
Course Overview
This module will equip your engineer with the knowledge and application of skills to working independently by enhancing time management, research, presentation and communication skills.
This Module will enhance the ability to become independent and reflexive learners and developing research skills regarding evaluation, critical analysis and synthesis.
Your engineers will be extending their subject knowledge, linking to higher level study and written communication skills for higher level education.
A series of short case studies will form the learning and assessment which are designed to promote the differing modes of research methods.
Course Outline
Study Mode: Online Blended Learning - Part Time
Location: Visits to Regional Centres/West Yorkshire
Duration: 12 Weeks - to run concurrently with the Mini Work-Based Project Module being 15 Weeks
Language: English
Learning Hours: 200 guided hours
Start Date: To be confirmed
Credit Value: 20
Course Content
Students will be supported throughout their distance/blended learning programme via their designated Lead Academic, web-conferencing facilities, workshops and their in-house Industrial Mentor.
Subject areas are:
Written Project - Desalination
Student Presentation - Desalination
Written Project - Feasibility Study
Student Presentation - Feasibility Study
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Entry Level
Students will be in full time employment within the industry some knowledge and experience of metallurgy processes.
Functional Skills in Mathematics and English (Level 2)
To have undertaken Metallurgical Science 1 & 2 Modules or equivalent covering all the elements set out in the Course Modules.
Students will provide a copy of their CV, qualifications and any other training certificates together with a letter of application explaining how the course will benefit them and their future career goals. This information, along with visits to the workplace will be assessed by our Admissions Team.
Metallurgy & Casting Pathway
Metallurgical Science 1 - Level 3
Metallurgical Science 2 - Level 3
Mathematics for Engineering 1 - Level 3
Mathematics for Engineering 2 - Level 3
Metallurgical Science 3 - Level 3
Introductory Practical Metallography
Students undertaking this full Module require a workplace, Industrial Mentor.