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Metallurgical Science 2 Paired Elements
               Level 3-4

Introduction to Metallography & Non-Destructive Testing
When applied together, Metallography and Non-Destructive Testing can provide evidence and data to undertake and aid in metallurgical investigations, including a range of production process issues or problems. You will:
1) Investigate and present 2 case studies of how Metallography NDT have been used to identify and solve 2 technical different problems.
2) Evaluate a metallurgical report or example of "best practice" that has been used or should have been used in Metallography and NDT to provide a solution to a manufacturing engineering problem or investigation.

Recrystallization and Grain Growth & Industrial Alloy Systems
You will select 2 different alloy systems and 2 different chemical compositions within each alloy system for each of the 2 production processes, highlighting how the chemical composition affects recrystallization and grain growth or otherwise. You will:
1) Reflect upon mechanical deformation and how it may or may not affect recrystallization temperatures and grain growth of common metals or alloys, linking to issues of stress.
2) Discuss how heat treatment can change the metallurgical and mechanical or other physical properties in terms of recrystallization and grain growth on a cast product, without the effect of plastic deformation.
3) Discuss the major outputs and issues of "transferable" knowledge in what you have learned and applied in this essay.

Metallurgical & Mechanical Properties - Standards and Failure & Common Defects in Metals
You will choose between 2 tasks to undertake and provide a report using Harvard Referencing etc. to support the argument/claims within the report.
1) To identify a product which has been produced to meet a range of specifications and standards, the material and usage will be outside your normal company product range.
Consider and explore a range of physical and chemical properties as well as appropriate other properties.
Select the most appropriate process route, to meet the specification and standards. Include any end usage issues with your own justification for this choice. Research which component defects are associated with the method of manufacture and process route. Identify any likely cause(s) and propose a solution to minimise or remove these defects. Support your claims with a biography and references.
2) To identify, select and research 2 different modes of failure as case studies, the likely factors contributing to failure including those associated with their end usage.
Consider how process routes and production of defects may have contributed to the latter.
Construct your own hypothesis which may agree or disagree with your 2 case studies. Support your argument with your own ideas and concepts linked to your biography and references.