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Students' Return to Learn Programme

Each student who has signed up to our full Modules will be required to go through our Return to Learn Programme which is scheduled to run for 6 weeks prior to the start of Semester.


The purpose of this programme is for students to become familiar with our virtual learning environment and our preferred video conferencing technology together with developing their ideas for a mini work-based project during Semester 1.


We want students to be comfortable in using these facilities as it will be their main mode of communication with their Lead Academic, Technical and Admin Staff and be their portal to access assignments and learning material, as well as uploading completed work.











As well as this, the student will undertake short tasks during the first few weeks.


After the first part of this familiarisation, the student will start to consider 3 mini work-based projects.  One of these projects will become part of the students Modular work and will be discussed with their Industrial Mentor and Lead Academic before the start of semester.


From our Student Survey Feedback we have received students 'strongly agreed' that the video conferencing communication method has been useful together with the familiarisation of the virtual learning environment throughout this 6 week period.  Therefore, we listent to our students' views that the Return to Learn programme is of benefit to the student before they start semester.


The Return to Learn Programme is included as part of the full Module package for any of our courses.


Metallurgical Science programmes

Industrial Mentor Programme

Enquiry Form


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